HINT! If you are a resident of Nova Scotia and need information that you can't locate on our site, please place a request using the following form or telephone the nearest branch of your local Public Library.

image: Lock About Your Privacy - review our policy statement.
Required Field Required Fields - these fields must be completed for the form to be processed.

Name (first and last): Required Field
E-mail Address : Required Field
Mailing Address: Required Field
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number (if applicable):
What are you looking for?
Select the most appropriate option:

Please give us the "name of the disease condition" and any synonyms that you are aware of, or details on the "specific health promotion" or "disease prevention activity":

So we don't repeat work that you have already done, or that you have had a health agency or library do for you, please tell us where you have already looked for information:

Check each box that applies
Canadian Health Network
Infotrac Health Reference Center
National Library of Medicine's MEDLINEPlus
Any Public Library
Any health library
Your health care provider - doctor, nurse, etc.
Relevant health organization eg Canadian Cancer Society

Please add any additional information you feel is relevant.
Thanks - you will receive a response within 48 hours.